MathUI 2017:
time | authors | title |
10:30 - 12:30 | Session 1 | |
10:30 -11:00 | Andrea Kohlhase | Domain-Dependent Decoding of Math Expressions |
11:00-11:30 | Masataka Kaneko | Interactive manipulation of mathematical models via touch devices affecting reasoning processes |
11:30-12:00 | Marcel Rupprecht, Michael Kohlhase and Dennis Müller | A Flexible, Interactive Theory-Graph Viewer |
12:00-12:30 | Mitsushi Fujimoto | Loop Generators in the $mn-1$ Puzzle and Factorization Problem |
14:00 - 15:00 | Session 2 | |
14:00 - 14:30 | Yasuyuki Nakamura and Takahiro Nakahara | Development of note-submitting function of mathematics e-Learning system STACK |
14:30 - 15:00 | Marco Pollanen, Sohee Kang, Bruce Cater, Yuxiang Chen and Kyung Hun Lee | $MC^2$: Mathematics Classroom Collaborator |

MathUI is an international workshop to discuss how users can be best supported when doing/learning/searching for/interacting with mathematics using a computer.
- Is mathematical user interface design a design for representing mathematics, embedding mathematical context, or a specific design for mathematicians?
- How is mathematics for which purpose best represented?
- What specifically math-oriented support is needed?
- Does learning of math require a platform different than other learning platforms?
- Which mathematical services can be offered?
- Which services can be meaningfully combined?
- What best practices wrt. mathematics can be found and how can they be best communicated? We invite all questions, that care for the use of mathematics on computers and how the user experience can be improved, to be discussed in the workshop.

- user-requirements for math interfaces
- presentation formats
- mobile-devices powered mathematics
- cultural differences in practices of mathematical languages
- didactically sensible scenarios of use
- spreadsheets as mathematical interfaces
- manipulations of mathematical expressions
Submissions (6-12 pages) should be submitted via EasyChair at
Authors should prepare their papers in one column style of CEUR-WS for the final version and without page numbers. See for an example: paper1.tex and paper1.pdf.
Important Dates
- NEW DEADLINE for submissions 7th June 2017
- Method of submission: please login and submit via EasyChair.
- The submissions will be reviewed by the international programme committee whose comments and recommendations will be sent back by June 25th requesting a final version (6 - 12 pages) no later than July 9th.
- Author Notification 25th June 2017
Please note the deadlines for early registration for CICM (June 30). - Final Version 9 July 2017
- Workshop Day tba
- Japan
- Yasuyuki Nakamura, Nagoya University
- Mitsushi Fujikmoto, Fukuoka University of Education
- Canada
- Marco Pollanen (organizer), Trent University
- France
- Jana Trgalova, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Germany
- Andrea Kohlhase (organizer), Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
- Michael Kohlhase, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen
- Paul Libbrecht, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)
- Spain
- Daniel Marquès, wiris, Barcelona
- Deyan Ginev, Authorea, New York (not yet confirmed)
- Elena Smirnova, Texas Instruments Inc. Education Technology (not yet confirmed)
- Andrea Kohlhase, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, eMail: Andrea.Kohlhase at or
- Marco Pollanen, eMail: Marco Pollanen at
Programme Committee
This workshop follows a successful series of workshops held at the Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics since more than 11 years; it features presentations of brand new ideas in papers selected by a review process, wide space for discussions, as well as a software demonstration session.