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  • Monday
    9:00-10:00Chair: Jiří Rákosník, Lecture Hall, Research III
      10:30-12:30Chair: Petr Sojka, Lecture Hall, Research III
      • Kevin Kofler and Arnold Neumaier. DynGenPar - A Dynamic Generalized Parser for Common Mathematical Language (10:30-11:00) (DOI)
      • Vadim Mazalov and Stephen Watt (presented by Rui Hu). Writing on Clouds (11:00-11:30) (DOI)
      • Jiří Rákosník (DML-CZ, EuDML), Patrick Ion (Mathematical Reviews), Alan Sexton (University of Birmingham), Wolfram Sperber (Zentralblatt Math), possibly others (to be confirmed). Towards World DML: Are We on the Right Track? (11:30-12:30)

        Abstract:There are continuation efforts ongoing with the dream of WDML in mind: EuDML, recent Washington meeting, projects granted by Sloan, etc. However, these are not coordinated, some views how to proceed differ. Some decisions have already been done in ongoing projects like EuDML, and were discussed at DML panel last year. It is time now to stop for a while, and raise questions whether do we do well and ask for feedback from the community. So, are we on right track as far as a) business model (which strategies, methods, partners); b) digital infrastructures and tools and c) sustainability of WDML services and `librarianship' curation is concerned?

      14:00-15:30Chair: Christoph Lüth, Lecture Hall, Research III
      • Timothy Bourke, Matthias Daum, Gerwin Klein and Rafal Kolanski. Challenges and Experiences in Managing Large-Scale Proofs (14:00-14:30) (Slides) (DOI)
      • Jesse Alama, Lionel Mamane and Josef Urban. Dependencies in Formal Mathematics: Applications and Extraction for Coq and Mizar (14:30-15:00) (Slides) (DOI)
      • Catalin David, Constantin Jucovschi, Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase. Semantic Alliance: A Framework for Semantic Allies (15:00-15:30) (DOI)
        16:00-18:00Chair: Alan Sexton, Lecture Hall, Research III
        Lecture Hall, Research III
        • DML Business meeting (18:00-18:30)
        • MKM Business meeting (18:30-19:00) (Slides)
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      Last modified: February 07 2025 01:53:20 CET