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  • Registration

    Registration is now open, please visit:

    Non-student registration: CAD 400 (early) / CAD 550 (regular).

    Student registration: CAD 250 (early) / CAD 350 (regular).

    Deadline for early registration in July 15, 2024.

    Registration includes access to the main CICM conference as well as to the workshops on Monday and Friday.

    Note that at least one co-author of accepted papers need to register at the Non-student rate in order to guarantee the publication of their paper.

    There is also an option to register to the Workshops only:

    • Monday Workshops only (Alignments'24, FVPS'24, Lurch Tutorial)
      • Non-students registration: CAD 100
      • Students registration: CAD 50
    • Friday Workshops only (MathUI'24, WiFM'24)
      • Non-students registration: CAD 100
      • Students registration: CAD 50

    Note that registration to the Women in Formal Methods (WiFM'24) workshop only is free.

  • News

    • Doctoral Programme established
    • Tentative Program out
    • Accepted papers announced
    • Extended deadlines
    • Invited speakers confirmed
    • First CFP is out
    • Confirmed Springer LNAI proceedings
    • Initial website online


    Institutional Support

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Last modified: June 23 2024 18:26:34 CEST