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  • Women in Formal Methods Workshop (WiFM)


    The goal of this workshop is to provide a dynamic and inclusive gathering that celebrates the achievements of women in formal methods in particular as well as engineering and computer science in general. We aim to empower female engineers, foster collaboration, and provide a platform for sharing cutting-edge research. This workshop will bring together students, researchers, and industry professionals to explore innovative ideas, discuss challenges, and inspire one another.


    We intend to organize the workshop as a one-day event on August 9th, 2024, which will include:

    • Research Presentations: the workshop shall feature presentations by female students, researchers, and industry experts to showcase their ground-breaking work in the domain of formal methods and intelligent computer mathematics.
    • Panel Discussion "Navigating Challenges": Our panel of accomplished women will engage in candid conversations about the unique challenges faced by female engineers. Topics include work-life balance, bias, and mentorship.
    • Celebrating Achievements: We believe in recognizing excellence. Awards will be presented for innovation, leadership, and community impact.

    Invited Speaker

    We are happy to announce the confirmation of Amber Telfer, Principal Formal Methods Engineer at Microsoft as the keynote speaker at WiFM She is a remarkable engineer in the industry who advocates for gender equality in STEM. She will share her journey, and insights to overcome obstacles and reach new frontiers.

    Amber Telfer is a Principal Formal Verification Engineer at Microsoft driving formal verification usage and methodology for Cobalt CPUs and related IPs. She is an early adopter leveraging Generative AI for formal verification testbench generation. Prior to Microsoft, Amber was a formal verification engineer at Intel where she formally verified arithmetic units for the Pentium Core 1st generation, multiple IPs with FPV, and mentored new formal engineers. Amber is a graduate of Oregon Graduate Institute at OHSU where she received a Masters in Computer Science & Engineering. To relax, she can be found kayaking nearby lakes or rivers.

    Topics of Interest

    Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

    • Theorem proving and computer algebra
    • Mathematical knowledge management
    • Digital mathematical libraries
    • Formal specification and modeling
    • Formal approaches to fault prevention and detection
    • Abstraction, refinement, and evolution
    • Integration of formal methods and testing
    • SAT/SMT solvers for software analysis and testing
    • Practical formal methods
    • Applications of formal methods
    • Formal approaches to software maintenance
    • Formal approaches to safety-critical system development
    • Industrial case studies


    There are two categories of submissions:
    • Abstract – up to 2 pages
    • Regular – up to 6 pages
    Electronic submission is done through EasyChair: select the author role and select the "new submission" tab, then select “CICM24-Women in Formal Methods”. The submissions will be reviewed by at least three PC members. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to present her paper at WiFM. All papers accepted in the workshop will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

    Important Dates

    • Full Paper Submission: Continuous submission until July 12, 2024 (Early submission leads to early notification).
    • Camera Ready: July 26, 2024
    • Workshop: August 9, 2024

    Program Chair

    Yassmeen Elderhalli, Synopsys, Ottawa, ON, Canada

    Program Committee

      Vandana Desai, Qualcomm, USA
      Maissa Elleuch, Digital Research Center of Sfax, Tunisia
      Katalin Fazekas, TU Wien, Austria
      Liya Liu, AMD, Canada
      Ibtissem Seghaier, Nvidia, USA
      Yasmine Sharoda, AWS, Canada
      Yassmeen Elderhalli (Chair), Synopsys, Canada


    The workshop is partly funded by RESMIQ as the main Sponsor with additional funds from Concordia University.

  • News

    • Doctoral Programme established
    • Tentative Program out
    • Accepted papers announced
    • Extended deadlines
    • Invited speakers confirmed
    • First CFP is out
    • Confirmed Springer LNAI proceedings
    • Initial website online


    Institutional Support

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Last modified: July 01 2024 17:00:58 CEST