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  • Track: MKM

    Mathematical Knowledge Management is an interdisciplinary field of research in the intersection of mathematics, computer science, library science, and scientific publishing.

    The objective of MKM is to develop new and better ways of managing sophisticated mathematical knowledge, based on innovative technology of computer science, the internet, and intelligent knowledge processing.

    MKM brings together and serves

    • mathematicians and computer scientists
    • scientists and engineers who produce and use mathematical knowledge
    • educators and students who teach and learn mathematics
    • publishers who offer mathematical textbooks and disseminate new mathematical results
    • librarians and mathematicians who catalog and organize mathematical knowledge.

    MKM is concerned with all aspects of mathematical knowledge management including but not limited to

    • Representing mathematical knowledge
      • including formal/deductive, computational, informal/narrative, and database-oriented representations
      • including content and presentation
      • including syntax and semantics (proof theory, model theory, computation)
      • for mathematical formulas, statements, theories, documents or meta-data about these
      • in proof assistants, theorem provers, machine learning systems, computer algebra systems, or other tools
      • aware of or bridging the diversity of existing formalisms
      • using standards such as MathML/OpenMath, logical or universal frameworks, or interchange formats
    • Methods, tools, and services for knowledge management such as
      • human authoring such as editors, human interface systems, or OCR
      • automatic creation such as data mining, theory exploration, or theorem proving
      • human-machine collaboration such as proof assistants, programming environments, or interactive presentation
      • support of any life cycle phase such as experimentation, collaboration, verification, publication, dissemination, discovery, or discussion
      • human-oriented presentation in dedicated tools, on the web, or elsewhere
      • teaching of mathematics including tutoring systems, exercises, or user interfaces
      • storage solutions such as archives, repositories, databases, or libraries
      • retrieval including querying, indexing, or search
      • reproducibility including persistence, provenance, versioning, or change management
    • Corpora/libraries of mathematical knowledge
      • representation of concrete documents, theories, theorems, proofs, models, algorithms, exercises, or examples
      • descriptions of new corpora or of additions to existing corpora
      • practical problems or solutions specific to large corpora
      • aligning logics and concepts across corpora
      • corpus operations such as translation, transformation, migration, exchange, mining, or reverse-engineering
    • Descriptions of any non-trivial undertaking relevant to the community including
      • implementations (including new components or features of existing tools)
      • exchanging knowledge and collaboration across communities
      • integrations of existing solutions
      • case studies and applications
      • evaluations and benchmarks
      • surveys and comparisons
      • open challenges and unsolved practical problems
      • experience reports regarding large or particularly difficult results
      • historic overviews, current trends, and future challenges

    The interests of MKM overlap with those of other CICM tracks, but all tracks are reviewed and published together. If in doubt, authors may contact the program chairs to decide which track to submit to.

  • News

    • CICM concluded successfully!
    • CICM started!
    • Final Program published
    • Doctoral Programme established
    • Tentative Program out
    • Accepted papers announced
    • Extended deadlines
    • Invited speakers confirmed
    • First CFP is out
    • Confirmed Springer LNAI proceedings
    • Initial website online


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Last modified: September 26 2023 21:13:47 CEST