Tutorial: Exploring the Mizar Mathematical Library (EMML 2019)(organizers/presenters: Adam Naumowicz, Artur Kornilowicz, Adam Grabowski) The participants of this tutorial will be able to get familiar with the structure and organization of the Mizar library and learn about various ways of exploring it. It should be of interest to new users, those who want to become more proficient in formalizing with Mizar, as well as those who are interested in sharing and exchanging mathematical data across different formalisms. The main focus points will be on:
The proposed tutorial is a follow-up to the Mizar hands-on tutorial which was conducted at CICM 2016 in Bialystok. However, the knowledge of the Mizar language will not be prerequisite. |
12th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
CICM 2019
July 8-12, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
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- tentative informal proceedings
- formal proceedings online
- detailed program online
- 3 invited speakers
- accepted papers announced
- registration open
- extended deadline
- four workshops and tutorial confirmed
- LNAI proceedings confirmed
- initial program committee
- initial website online