This year topic is DMLs of Informal and Formal Mathematics with a subtitle Marriage or Divorce? The schedule of panel is usually this: 1) Exposition of the topic 2) Position statements of panelists 3) General discussion Exposition: There are two areas/worlds/directions where term DML (Digital Mathematics Libraries) is used: a) library of [informal] scientific [mostly peer-reviewed] papers that are have been written in the area of mathematics since Aristotle. Most papers in this world have been digitized and persistent pointers (DOIs, Zbl or MathSciNet IDs) are used as pointers to them. This allowed to build a web of linked and verified (reviews in referative databases) mathematical knowledge. In CICM jargon, DML track copes with this area and Herbert Van de Sompel's talk dealt with problems of linking and persistence in this world. b) library of [formal] mathematics knowledge, e.g. theorems formally proven by systems as Wolfram|Alpha, Coq, Mizar and others. Libraries of such math knowledge are poping up. In CICM jargon, MKM track copes with this area and Eric Weisstein's invited talk (eCF library) elaborated on current possibilities in this world. In the position statement panelist may reflect on - experience with these worlds, with emphasis on important aspects, databases, tools and interfaces he sees in them - whether these two worlds should be linked each other or merged in the future, and if so, in which way - a wish how [WH|U|W]DML should look like in ten years' time |
Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
CICM 2014
7.-11. July 2014
Coimbra, Portugal
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- CICM 2015 will be in Washington DC
- Photos of CICM available here (All photos)
- CICM 2014 is over
- Slides of talks online
- Talks linked to the electronic publications
Last modified: April 04 2018 09:42:19 CEST